Newsletter – June 2022
June 2022 update:
- International Trade Mark Association conference
- Trade Marks and The Global Market
- New Staff
- Matariki
INTA, Washington 2022
The Zone team were delighted to attend the International Trade Mark Association conference, held in Washington DC last month and see friends and colleagues again. It was a very busy week of strengthening connections and making new friends.
The team also held a cocktail function for close friends, which was a great success. Click here for some images of the event.
The team looks forward to next year’s conference which is being held in Singapore
Trade Marks and the Global Market
When thinking about protection of your brand, remember there is no system that allows for the registration of a ‘worldwide trade mark’.
This means that when you register a trade mark in a certain jurisdiction, such as New Zealand, it is protected and enforceable in that jurisdiction only.
If you wish to use your trade mark in other jurisdictions, for example by exporting products under that brand, to protect the brand you need to register your trade mark in those countries separately. Once registered, it means that you are legally entitled use your mark in those countries. If you fail to do so, you may be at risk of infringing the rights of other traders in those countries.
We can assist with filing your mark in Australia and the pacific islands directly. For countries further afield, registering a trade mark in other countries is much easier and more cost effective than it used to be due to international systems such as the Madrid Protocol. There is also a EU trade mark that covers all 27 EU countries, and there is an African trade mark that covers 15 African nations.
Zone can help with international trade mark research and registration to protect your rights around the world. We have strong relationships with lawyers all over the world to ensure your IP rights are fully looked after, no matter where you are trading. Contact us today to find out more.
New Staff
Lynne Mulder Wood and Steffanie Desmond have recently joined our team.
Lynne works as a paralegal supporting the IP team and Steffanie works in administration providing notary support for Julie.
We are delighted to have them on board and wish them a warm welcome to the team at Zone.
This is the first time New Zealand has recognised Matariki as a public holiday.
Matariki is the Māori name for cluster of stars and represents the start of the Māori New Year. It is a time for remembrance and honouring those we have lost since the last rising of Matariki.
Our offices will be closed on Friday 24 June 2022 to celebrate Matariki.
Please note the New Zealand Intellectual Property Office will also be closed. Applications and documents submitted on these dates will have the following working day as their filing date. If the deadline for filing an application or document falls on the date, then the application or document will be filed the following day.
Tēnā koutou (Thank you In Māori).