
Newsletter – April 2020

Zone Services

Here at Zone our staff are continuing to work remotely, providing our high standard of IP services both domestically and internationally during the level 4 lockdown.

Easter and ANZAC Holiday Hours

Zone will be closed for business on Friday the 10th of April, and Monday 13th of April 2020 for Easter, as well as Monday 27th April 2020 for ANZAC day.

Please note the New Zealand Intellectual Property Office and IP Australia will also be closed.
Applications and documents submitted on these dates will have the following working day as their filing date. If the deadline for filing an application or document falls on these dates, then the application or document will be filed the following day.

With the current situation of the COVID 19 pandemic we trust that all our colleagues and clients are doing well.  If there is anything that Zone can do to assist you during this challenging time please do not hesitate to reach out to us either by phone or email.  Our landlines are still working as normal.  We look forward to being of assistance to you.