Newsletter – July 2020
July 2020 Updates
- Zone featured in SCOOP
- IP Australia and IPONZ Extension Policy
- Zone Opens New Office in Auckland
Zone in SCOOP Media
One of our principal partners, Theodore Doucas, had the pleasure of being interviewed by SCOOP Media for a Business article in relation to trade mark innovation and our role in the current business climate.
To read this article click the link:
COVID-19 Extension Possibilities
Because many businesses have been affected by recent events, there may be circumstances where IP Australia and the New Zealand Intellectual Property Office (IPONZ) will permit extensions of time to deadlines for responding to office actions or hearing deadlines for those who have been impacted by COVID-19.
IP Australia
IP Australia is currently accepting extension requests by applicants who declare they have been adversely impacted by COVID-19. It has recently put in place a streamlined process to provide free extensions of time of up to three months. The fee will be automatically waived and no further documents need to be uploaded, and no further explanation is required. This will remain the case until at least 31 August 2020.
New Zealand Intellectual Property Office
As of 31 July 2020, IPONZ will not have a formal process as in Australia, but will still consider requests for extensions of time on a case-basis case basis. The Applicant should provide specific details of why Covid-19 has impacted their ability to response before the deadline. These requests should be treated favourably by IPONZ.
If you or your clients have been impacted, please do not hesitate to contact our team with questions or concerns regarding any official intellectual property deadlines. We are happy to provide advice on an individual basis.
Zone Opens New Office in Auckland
Zone was delighted to welcome colleagues and clients in celebrating the opening of our new Auckland office this month. We would like to thank you all for coming and we look forward to seeing more of our Auckland based clients at our new offices on Karangahape Road.